Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Years

It's that time of year were one looks back on the past. Some of us may be looking foreword to starting a new year. So Fresh and so clean. This week it may be time to let memories flow over you. Accept the good with the bad and remember it because we all know that "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," So lets all remember 2009 personal events, the good the bad and the sublime. Lets relish in the memories, let the bad ones roll over us like the heat from a blanket just out of the dryer. The old pain should fade in a few minutes leaving behind all the good times and lessons. Now let the good ones slid on in and take a seat. These are the ones we need to hold onto and bask in. Now that we are all tingling lets go out and play.

Happy New Year to all.

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