Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Many years ago I had to choose. In everyone's life there is always a path they wished they traveled. One of my paths have always seemed chosen for me. Many a day has been spent with thoughts of what would have happen had the opposite path been followed. The one that was really wanted. Then so called wisdom takes hold of these fanciful thoughts and whips them in to submission. Then the realization that the current path my lead to the one that was lost. Maybe we are not as lost as we thought. Then again if the lost path is desired maybe some bush waking is in order to find it. Truth be told I have never been all that big on following paths.

Excuse me as I find some clay or plasticine or April mud and a Bowie knife, it is time to create a new path.

1 comment:

heavy d said...

i love this. path. everybody trudges their own path. oftentimes not chosen, forever endured and enjoyed. the path is what we make it. are you ready to go hiking soon? heehee