What is the etiquette of sex toys? Many of us say once the relationship is over so is the use of the toys with a new partner. Though my new obsession with Cathouse gives a different opinion. Professional prostitutes, whores, call girls. They use the same toys on all their Johns. So maybe it has to do with the rest of us. Does it have something to do with the fact I so not want the same sex toy used on me as it was used on someones ex. When using it on me will my sex deviant partner(s) get a flash back of using it with their ex, ewwww.
So the toys of pleasure get tossed and new ones are purchased. But what if those new ones look just like the old ones that were just tossed. hmmm. Would they not possibly still bring on some old memories. Because really how many types of butt plugs are out there.
Just a thought.
1 comment:
quite interesting. and disturbing.
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