Friday, February 19, 2010



Mark Newman's work always puts a smile on my face. His detail and style are beautiful and realistic. To capture movement and form in a clump of clay, bronze or risen takes mad skills. Think I need to go practice.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Short is Sweet.

Nuit Blanche, an HD short film created by Arev Manoukian of Ottawa. The dreamy black and white video won the $100,000 first prize at the LG Life’s Good FilmFest, beating out filmmakers from around the globe. Each HD entry was restricted to no more than five minutes in length and had to convey the notion that “Life’s Good.” The imagery is simply amazing and poetic. Who new a simple moment could express so much.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Solar Eclipse


Photographer and scientist Miloslav Druckmüller and his team specialize in capturing images of solar eclipses. Pictured above is one photograph that compiles nine images, taken on July 22, 2009 from the Marshall Islands. Of this craft, Druckmüller writes:
Solar eclipse photography if one of the most difficult tasks of astronomical photography. There are at least three reasons for that. The first and main one is the extreme contrast which makes impossible to record the phenomenon on a single image. Neither classical nor digital photography have the ability to master the brightness ratio which is necessary for successful eclipse photography. The second reason is little chance for making experiments. If anything gets wrong it may take years to get an opportunity for a new experiment. The last but not the least reason is the fact that processing of images taken during total eclipse is very complicated and time consuming work with needs of one purpose software being developed specially for this aim.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I need a wolf

What is the fascination with the Werwolf. Does it stem from the need to be something else. Something stronger and powerful. Or is it something more genetic to our animal brethren. Such as the misunderstood condition of hypertrichosis What ever the case may be, Werwolfs are fascinating. (To me anyway) The fact that there is copious amounts of lore from a vast variety of cultures regarding the herianthropy phenomena that one has to wounder.  Are they like the scary monsters of Dog Soldiers or are they misunderstood like in Underworld. Maybe they live among us as in Teen Wolf. How ever you like to take your Lycanthropy there are an abundance of movies out there to take your pick from. The addition of Wolfman better be a good one or this Kat could get mad.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pagan gone Christian

Were did the easter bunny come from? You may have asked yourself this questions. If not I have asked it for you. Like most Christian traditions it was adapted from Pagan beliefs. Mental Floss has done a great write up about how the two religions molded into one chocolate orgasmic infested delight.

"One of these festivals was in honor of Eostre or Eastre, the goddess of dawn, spring and fertility near and dear to the hearts of the pagans in Northern Europe. Eostre was closely linked to the hare and the egg, both symbols of fertility."

Imitation Is The Best Form Of Flattery wouldn't you say.