Have you ever had the chance to go to a sleazy motel and enjoy a vibrating bed. Well me nether, though it is on my list of things to do. In the event that the black light will reveal just to much gross things. Along comes the CLARITY 600 Wake Assure Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker. Create your very own rippling sleep oasis. The device also doubles as an alarm clock. One can wake up every morning to vibrating bliss and possible the smell of stale booze in the air.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Did you know!
If there is good, then there is always bad. If there is a Santa then there must be an anti-clause. There is a Christmas tradition in Austria and other surrounding countries. Where a Krampus visits the naughty. The beast is said to punish naughty children by stealing their toys, smacking them with a birch rod, and even tying them in a sack and chucking them into a river. Getting a lump of coal in your stocking doesn’t seem like such a terrible fate in comparison, does it?
Did you know,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Did you know!
In 1961, Matisse’s Le Bateau (The Boat) hung upside-down for 47 days in the Museum of Modern Art, New York – none of the 116,000 visitors had noticed, including the art dealer Pierre Matisse, the artist’s own son.
With a non-figurative piece of work, being upside down may just be a different perspective than a faux pas.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
We ladies can help fight the good fight in Movember
It’s Movember and fellows all over the world grow mustaches to raise money to fight prostate cancer. For us ladies that wish to help and are unable to grow enough facial hair. We can donate to our favorite mustachioed chaps and friends. Another way to give and receive is to participate in Have Sex with a Guy With a Mustache Day. By cuddle on up to a bewhiskered fellow and giving him some of that sweet, sweet loving that he so rightfully deserves. I know I will.
Remember, when it comes down to it, “you’re not a whore if it’s for charity.”
Remember, when it comes down to it, “you’re not a whore if it’s for charity.”
Did you know,
Friday, November 19, 2010
Girl Talk
All Day by Girl Talk is a new mash up album, created by the unbelievable talented Gregg Michael Gillis. It is available as one 71-minute file or as 12 separate tracks. If you are familiar with mashups and digital sampling and the mixing magic, you know the beauty of the medium. If not, will . . learn. All Day features 372 samples, starting with bits and pieces of Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" and finishing on John Lennon's "Imagine," with chunks of Foxy Brown's "Hot Spot," the Beastie Boys' "Paul Revere," and many more in between.
For your ears sampling pleasure below. 'Here's the Thing" from the Feed the Animals CD. No dancing required but shacking of the booty may be inevitable
For your ears sampling pleasure below. 'Here's the Thing" from the Feed the Animals CD. No dancing required but shacking of the booty may be inevitable
"Here's the Thing" - 4:46
- 0:01 - 0:28 Chicago - "Saturday in the Park"
- 0:01 - 1:05 Quad City DJs - "C'mon N' Ride It (The Train)"
- 0:15 - 0:36 The Jaggerz - "The Rapper"
- 0:29 - 0:36 The Bucketheads - "The Bomb! (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)"
- 0:36 - 0:36 Tommy Roe - "Dizzy"
- 0:36 - 1:05 ? and the Mysterians - "96 Tears"
- 0:50 - 2:07 Egyptian Lover - "Egypt Egypt"
- 1:04 - 1:33 The Zombies - "Time of the Season"
- 1:05 - 2:04 Kelly Clarkson - "Since U Been Gone"
- 1:16 - 1:34 Nine Inch Nails - "Wish"
- 1:45 - 2:03 MC Hammer - "Too Legit to Quit"
- 2:08 - 2:19 Blur - "Song 2"
- 2:13 - 2:20 V.I.C. - "Get Silly"
- 2:19 - 3:14 Elvis Costello - "Pump It Up"
- 2:20 - 3:14 Shawty Lo - "Dey Know"
- 3:01 - 3:14 Peter Bjorn and John featuring Victoria Bergsman - "Young Folks"
- 3:14 - 4:04 Rick Springfield - "Jessie's Girl"
- 3:19 - 3:21 The Prodigy - "Firestarter" (portion sampled samples "Close (to the Edit)" by Art of Noise)
- 3:21 - 3:35 Mike + The Mechanics - "All I Need Is a Miracle"
- 3:21 - 3:47 Chris Brown featuring T-Pain - "Kiss Kiss"
- 3:48 - 3:48 Veruca Salt - "Seether"
- 3:52 - 4:12 Nelly Furtado - "Maneater"
- 3:52 - 4:18 Three 6 Mafia featuring Unk - "I'd Rather"
- 4:12 - 4:46 Looking Glass - "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)"
- 4:34 - 4:46 Dude 'n Nem - "Watch My Feet"
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What have you done lately.
There are many times in life one looks back and realizes how much the people in their life means to them. We do at times odd things for the ones we care about. From driving to Montreal to get that perfect smoked meat sandwich to spending 7.5 hours at a movie theater for the Harry Potter Adventure. We do these things because it brings a smile to our loved ones faces. Nothing feels as good as knowing you have the power to bring joy to a friend or family members life. Be it something simple as a hug to buying Ozzy tickets . The feeling is undeniable amazing and the smile . . well the smile is simply one of the most beautiful things in this world.
Have fun this week spreading smiles to the ones you care about.
Have fun this week spreading smiles to the ones you care about.
It's not the size that matters it's how you use it.
Reading the post about the true size of Africa made me wonder if the maps I grew up with were correct visually. Lo and behold they were not. Not to say that, geographical wizardry is flowing through my veins but perceptions is King and Queen of human understanding.
Did you know,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
All Hallowes Eve
The best time of the year when one gets to dress up and pretend to be something else for the night.
Halloween has Celtic origins. In pre-Christian times, many people believed that spirits from the underworld and ghosts of dead people could visit the world of the living on the night of October 31. These spirits could harm the living or take them back to the underworld. To avoid this, people started dressing up as ghosts and spirits if they left their homes on October 31. They hoped that this would confuse the ghosts and spirits.
So please put on your costume and travel with care this Halloween night.
Halloween has Celtic origins. In pre-Christian times, many people believed that spirits from the underworld and ghosts of dead people could visit the world of the living on the night of October 31. These spirits could harm the living or take them back to the underworld. To avoid this, people started dressing up as ghosts and spirits if they left their homes on October 31. They hoped that this would confuse the ghosts and spirits.
So please put on your costume and travel with care this Halloween night.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Lemons anyone?
Last weeks meeting was going great till someone broached the subject of working Dec 31. Now you are a wee bit anxious about this weeks meeting were the main subject is overtime. Guaranteed meeting harmonizer is the scent of lemon. In a recent study, the scent of lemon made people more generous and altruistic. Researchers explain that the clean scent is associated with good behavior, which is why it brings out the best in people.
Breathing in the scent of lemon essential oil may significantly improve mood, according to a 2008 study of 56 healthy volunteers. In a 2009 study, researchers discovered that animals that inhaled the scent of linalool (a compound found in lemon essential oil, as well as in lavender oil) had a decrease in their levels of stress-elevated immune cells.
So in that next meeting have a small bottle of lemon scented water and sprits the room. Or better yet place a bowl of lemons on your desk. If it does so happen that the sent does not calm an individual down you can always shove it in their mouth.
Breathing in the scent of lemon essential oil may significantly improve mood, according to a 2008 study of 56 healthy volunteers. In a 2009 study, researchers discovered that animals that inhaled the scent of linalool (a compound found in lemon essential oil, as well as in lavender oil) had a decrease in their levels of stress-elevated immune cells.
So in that next meeting have a small bottle of lemon scented water and sprits the room. Or better yet place a bowl of lemons on your desk. If it does so happen that the sent does not calm an individual down you can always shove it in their mouth.
Did you know
Monday, October 11, 2010
Weather you are giving thanks for the bountiful harvest or your just thankful that you did not get lost. Today is the day to do it.
As history states the Giving of thanks has been quite a random act of celebration. The date could change from province to province and town to town. Until the Canadian Parliament proclaimed that it should occurring on the second Monday in October (since 1959).
Most Canadians receive a stationary holiday every Thanksgiving Monday. Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia being the exceptions. Hope your long weekend is fill of family, food, friends and pure enjoyment.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.
Lets eat
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Start of the long weekend.
You may wonder what this high flying, wise cracking, party loving girl does after a long week of work. Well this beautiful Saturday was cleaning day. Some do love Spring cleaning. Me I love hard core cleaning in the fall. May be something to do with getting ready to spend many hours inside or somin like that. My new best friend (swiffer duster) and I attacked the menacing dust that makes the eyes water and the nose itch. Next it was off to cleaning the walls with my all natural stand by, water and lemon juice. Then on to the floor, my gods what is it with 15 year old boys, they are like walking dirt clouds. Dirt on the walls have progressively climbed higher as my brother gets older. Mounds of dirt collect where he sits and walks. Thought with age it would dissipate not condense. Anyway add some baking soda to the stand by cleaner and floors are done.
Now laundry ugh really do not like doing laundry, should pick up some Rockin' Green laundry soap. Pam states it make things smell clean. I like clean.
Now laundry ugh really do not like doing laundry, should pick up some Rockin' Green laundry soap. Pam states it make things smell clean. I like clean.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Did you know?
Coffee, sweet sweet coffee that can lift you up when sleep is not an option. Can also help reduce muscle soreness. In a British study, cyclists who consumed the caffeine equivalent of a 12 oz cup of succulent goodness felt less leg pain and had a lower rate of perceived exertion than those who skipped the boost. Would you like to know why??? Well it seems that caffeine blocks the production of pain-stimulating adenosine.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Autumn, in Canada is my favorite time of the year. There is a crispness in the air a smell on the wind and a tingle in the soul. Some days are bright and sunny with trees of gold and red. Other days are covered in a grey and purple light that emanates natural beauty and takes my breath away.
Friday night on my way to a friends birthday party. Happy Birthday Neal. Walking down Elgin St. A caressing warm wind was blowing. Light dusting of rain was falling and yellow leaves were dancing down Nepean St turning on to Elgin St. Everyone seemed to stop to watch and feel the moment.
I truly do love the season of Autumn, with all of its pumpkins and spices and everything nice.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The muscle that lets your eye blink is the fastest muscle in your body. It allows you to blink 5 times a second. On average, you blink 15 000 times a day. That’s about 10 times per minute, or more than five million times a year.
Now you know.
Now you know.
Did you know
Monday, September 6, 2010
Chivalry is not dead it has evolved.
"Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic actions, and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world."
Digby's The Broad Stone of Honour
Chivalry used to note the characteristics of knightly virtues, honor and courtly love. Men of noble ranking were taught how to behave in court and on the battle filed. Also how to treat a lady.

The concept of chivalry has changed with the times. Chivalry now means being kind and courteous to anyone, regardless of romantic interest. This means helping the older woman or man carry groceries to their car, or even simple things such as saying "Bless you" when someone sneezes. And yes holding the door open.
If anyone is in need of a quick history lesson on the run-of-the-mill noblemen in the Middle Ages. Pick up Cilvalry by Maurice Keen. No guaranty you will find a proper lady but you may find many more propositions.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
simply lovely.
Above you will find one of my all time favorite paintings. Bold bright colors that are made up of intricate layering and delicate details. These great works were done by Charlotte Nicolin her eye for details and ability to make the microscopist beautiful is a rare in wonderful talent.
If you are in old Montreal you need to check out The Nicolin & Gublin art studio you will not be disappointed.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sitting around hanging with some buds. It's raining out side and the need for some adventure is on. So what may have you done 25 years go. Well you poped in that Goonies VHS and watched one of the best all times growing up movies.
That is right it has been 25 years now since the amazing teenage treasure hunters hit the big screens and our hearts. On November 2nd 2010 The Goonies 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition will be out and features special packaging, an included board game, original storyboard reproductions, a 1985 souvenir magazine reprint, a reprint of a 2009 Empire magazine article with cast photos and updates, and cast commentary with Richard Donner and all seven principle actors.
Wounder if it will have the missing octopus scene. Sorry Baby Ruths are not included.
That is right it has been 25 years now since the amazing teenage treasure hunters hit the big screens and our hearts. On November 2nd 2010 The Goonies 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition will be out and features special packaging, an included board game, original storyboard reproductions, a 1985 souvenir magazine reprint, a reprint of a 2009 Empire magazine article with cast photos and updates, and cast commentary with Richard Donner and all seven principle actors.
Wounder if it will have the missing octopus scene. Sorry Baby Ruths are not included.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Makes life fun
Curiosity is the first indication of genius. Yet curiosity killed the cat. Luckily a cat has 9 lives.
Ah curiosity, we all may have a love hate relationship with it. But it does have a way of keeping things lively does it not. How does that taste, what does that feel like, how would that sound like, what would happen if, et cetera, et cetera. At times it can be a self induced sensation overload.
The human curiosity has led to great and wondrous discoveries like chocolate. Other times to evil as in reality TV shows. What ever the form my curiosity takes I sure do love the ride even when it makes me cry.
Have you hugged your curiosity today?
Do you still even have it?
Curiosity (from Latin curiosus "careful, diligent, curious," akin to cura "care") is an emotion related to natural inquisitive behavior such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species.
Ah curiosity, we all may have a love hate relationship with it. But it does have a way of keeping things lively does it not. How does that taste, what does that feel like, how would that sound like, what would happen if, et cetera, et cetera. At times it can be a self induced sensation overload.
The human curiosity has led to great and wondrous discoveries like chocolate. Other times to evil as in reality TV shows. What ever the form my curiosity takes I sure do love the ride even when it makes me cry.
Have you hugged your curiosity today?
Do you still even have it?
Curiosity (from Latin curiosus "careful, diligent, curious," akin to cura "care") is an emotion related to natural inquisitive behavior such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sometimes you just never know.
Sometimes we can spend all our life looking for something. At times we may know exactly what we are looking for. Other times we do not realize until it is presented to us. 4 years ago the introduction to football (soccer) was provided. Over the past years I have been cultivating this pasttime. Not in the physical aspect. This girl does not run. All of it has been done in the viewing enjoyment.
Watching sports has not been something that was enjoyed in the past. Maybe it is due to a new maturity on my part or maybe it was the fact of not knowing which one I liked until it was shown to me. Must say that the adrenalin of a goal is additive and the disappointment of losing is acute. All in all I love this sport. Now if we can get everyone to stop diving from a simple touch it would be great.
Yet I am still looking for something . . . .
Watching sports has not been something that was enjoyed in the past. Maybe it is due to a new maturity on my part or maybe it was the fact of not knowing which one I liked until it was shown to me. Must say that the adrenalin of a goal is additive and the disappointment of losing is acute. All in all I love this sport. Now if we can get everyone to stop diving from a simple touch it would be great.
Yet I am still looking for something . . . .
Monday, June 21, 2010
Go Local
First stop
Copper Kettle Chocolate Company for some chocolate shots filled with local Ice Wines. Oh my Gods!!
Second stop
Hillier Creek Estates - Chardonnay Estate 2008 and Pinot Noir 2007 full body wines designed for sipping and relaxing.
Best of the best was Huffs Estates Riesling Off Dry 2008 it may have been the 6 glasses of wine before but the 2 bottles enjoyed at home are still as good.
Another trip is needed to beautiful Picton for some more wine tasting and purchasing. The B&B locations by lake Ontario looks like a good place to lay ones head after a day of local wine touring.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Little Things
The big things are great don't get me wrong, but the little things. . . . oh . . . those little things that make you tingle are what makes life worth living.
Humble though they be the little things like a smile. Waking up to the musical orchestra of birds. The soft touch of a fuzzy blanket. The smooth taste of cold water. The smell of fragrant flowers. The comforting hug from a friend. The sound of a laugh. The random acts of kindness from strangers. That first sip of coffee in the morning.
Though they can be simple by nature they are also pure pleasure.
What makes you tingle?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Devotee of the Green Fairy
In the canton of Neuchâtel a historical and controversial beverage was created. It may have been one of the first bad boys of the spirit world. It has inspired artist in all mediums and was given to French troops as a malaria treatment. Which in turn made this remarkably liquid popular in the bars, bistros, cafés, and cabarets of France.
La fée verte has been deemed a dangerously addictive psychoactive drug in liquid form. It was band in many countries and is still consumed to this day in many others.
Think it is time to venture down to Absinthe and see if the actual product can live up to its historical myth.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What I do.
Ever wondered exactly what this girl does for a living. Well to try and put it into perspective here is a little bit of news from AT&T that this girl helped set up.
In a press release issued Tuesday, AT&T announced it is sponsoring free WiFi in Times Square to alleviate some of the traffic on its already-strained 3G network. As AT&T isvbehind in that regard. The WiFi "hotzone" is available free to AT&T customers with qualifying smartphone, 3G LaptopConnect, and AT&T High Speed Internet plans.
The service, installed at the north end of Times Square, won't reach too far, but it will help the crowds make phone calls, receive texts, email photos, and look up directions by taking a little bit of pressure off of the 3G network.
Now tomorrow I will do my part to help strengthen that 3G network, and that is what I do in a day.
In a press release issued Tuesday, AT&T announced it is sponsoring free WiFi in Times Square to alleviate some of the traffic on its already-strained 3G network. As AT&T isvbehind in that regard. The WiFi "hotzone" is available free to AT&T customers with qualifying smartphone, 3G LaptopConnect, and AT&T High Speed Internet plans.
The service, installed at the north end of Times Square, won't reach too far, but it will help the crowds make phone calls, receive texts, email photos, and look up directions by taking a little bit of pressure off of the 3G network.
Now tomorrow I will do my part to help strengthen that 3G network, and that is what I do in a day.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Eli's Cheesecake Dippers
Have you ever come across a dessert that just sent your body a tingling with simple delight. That's what happened when the Goddess of frozen treats flashed me.
Eli's Cheesecake Dippers The cheesecake is frozen, hand-dipped in rich bittersweet chocolate and served on a stick. Yeah, my jaw dropped too! This sweet thing does not currently ship to Canada, but I may need some testers as experimentation begins. The plan is to create the best all time summer treat.
Eli's Cheesecake Dippers The cheesecake is frozen, hand-dipped in rich bittersweet chocolate and served on a stick. Yeah, my jaw dropped too! This sweet thing does not currently ship to Canada, but I may need some testers as experimentation begins. The plan is to create the best all time summer treat.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
shit happens so enjoy it.
"You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles."
The Princess Bride 1987
We have all done it, just 3 seconds to late and the bus driver takes off leaving us stranded and deserted. This is not as bad as it seems. If we forget to enjoy the now we will miss the beauty of a sunset over the river on the late buss. Now that truly would have been a loss.
We just need to enjoy or what is the point.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Have some unwanted tender feelings for an Ex boyfriend or girlfriend. Need to ensure those feelings do not crop up and turn you into a raging pile of emotional baggage. Then try Ex neutralizer.
This non-toxic biodegradable neutralizing spray will eliminate those unpleasant tender feelings from your heart, leaving it free and clean. Spray it on and in 15 minutes the desire to believe every word that comes out of your ex's soft tender lips will go away. It will ensure you never have to worry about your heart and head doing battle over your ex again.
This product is not tested on animal.
Testing was done on females between 20 and 65 with a 74% accuracy rate.Over use of the neutralizer may result in drunken like stupidity and altered perceptions of reality.
This product is not tested on animal.
Testing was done on females between 20 and 65 with a 74% accuracy rate.Over use of the neutralizer may result in drunken like stupidity and altered perceptions of reality.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Local Arts and Craft show
This Saturday I supported my fav lovely ladies and their orgasms in a cup, aka Three Cheers Cupcakes. Sadly this was the second last time the delectable goodness will be available to the general public. All is not lost though, they my depart form the craft show business but my new found thrill of craft shows has been reborn.
Tarts n’ Crafts had a bounty of home grown goodness from handmade jewelry to homemade fudge. The variety in booths was just what the doctor ordered. As it is Mothers day on Sunday was not on the hunt for myself. Mores the pity. Finding a wonderful gift was top on the list and boy did I succeed.
First found the cutest hand built classic companion mug for my mother who is an avid coffee drinker. The little smiley face will cheer up any morning sourpuss. The artist Wai-Yant Li is based in Montreal and makes every delightful creation by hand. Road trip is need to get myself a spiky mug!
Second find were some homemade chocolates that are simply heaven on a tongue. Created right here in Ottawa, Koko Chocolates are pure goodness in dark chocolate form. Sampled the Triple chocolate truffle and almost lost my mind to the sweet sensations that went coursing through my body. Mother should love them.
Next stop Ottawa Veg Fest the final show for Three Cheers Cupcakes. Tear.
Tarts n’ Crafts had a bounty of home grown goodness from handmade jewelry to homemade fudge. The variety in booths was just what the doctor ordered. As it is Mothers day on Sunday was not on the hunt for myself. Mores the pity. Finding a wonderful gift was top on the list and boy did I succeed.
Second find were some homemade chocolates that are simply heaven on a tongue. Created right here in Ottawa, Koko Chocolates are pure goodness in dark chocolate form. Sampled the Triple chocolate truffle and almost lost my mind to the sweet sensations that went coursing through my body. Mother should love them.
Next stop Ottawa Veg Fest the final show for Three Cheers Cupcakes. Tear.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Best Beer Ever
Normally beer drinking is not one of my favorite pastimes. It makes my tummy full and the burping, do not get me started on the burping. With that said Stuart's Natural Session Ale is my new all time fav beer.
Kobo E-Reader
Kobo is a Toronto based company the has been making ereader software for PC and smartphones. Now they also make some pretty nice hardware. At 120mm x 184mm x 10mm thick and only 221 grams. It is a great size to carry around. Built in 1GB memory for up to 1000 books and SD slot for expansion for when the 1000 books is just not enough.
The price point is marvelous at $149 and may be one of the cheapest in the market. This little device reads EPUB and PDF files from all sources. The PDF format did not work outat all that well. Though switching to landscape did work a bit. After some research found a nice little free program called Calibre and did batch converts from PDF to EPub with large txt. 20.0pt. Now dancing for joy.
The software that come with the reader only allows the syncing of purchased books from Kobo. Calibre will sync all files with ease. Also the good old dragging and dropping is as always a breeze.
All in all i love it.
A no frills ereader for a no frills girl.
The price point is marvelous at $149 and may be one of the cheapest in the market. This little device reads EPUB and PDF files from all sources. The PDF format did not work out
The software that come with the reader only allows the syncing of purchased books from Kobo. Calibre will sync all files with ease. Also the good old dragging and dropping is as always a breeze.
All in all i love it.
A no frills ereader for a no frills girl.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Be a nice Person
Be it good or bad we as humans are affected by all other people around us. This is why one must surround thy self with smart, beautiful, crazy people. The kind of people that will help you and who in turn you enjoy helping.
Though nice strangers are always great. the kind that hold your coffee as you button your coat or pick up your bag and all its spewed contents. All in all nice people who have a common thread of dignity and chivalry. Yes women and be chivalrous as well.
Now excuse me I must crawl out of my cave and socialize.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Now excuse me but I must do some shopping.
New Orleans
As usual the best place to stay would be at a bed & breakfast may be something in the French Quarter close to , BOURBON St but far enough away to disappear in the sounds of an over grown garden. Once done head on out to soak up some Louisiana sounds and meet some gifted people that can not be found anywhere else
Think it may be time to book a trip and enjoy some beignets and café au lait the right way.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Is it a suspension of disbelief or personal mental getaway. We do it when we go to the theater,a movie, read a book and play a video game.
For the past week I have been a female Alienage Elf rouge. There is a back story, there is always a back story. The main point is slicing up baddies with some bad ass dual wielding sward and dagger skills. Traveling to exotic places with no need for a passport. Hanging out with some cool creatures that stick by through thick and thin. Romanced a bastard prince and got kinky with a smart ass assassin. Solved puzzles for complete strangers and recived gold or weapons as a reword. Killed the dragon and loads of evil darkspawn in order to save the realm. Talk about some suspension of reality.
Next week I just may become a prince and roll up objects or become a deadly thief and live in the shadows.
Who said you can't pretend to be someone else for a bit.
Next week I just may become a prince and roll up objects or become a deadly thief and live in the shadows.
Who said you can't pretend to be someone else for a bit.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Excuse me as I find some clay or plasticine or April mud and a Bowie knife, it is time to create a new path.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Sandpit
The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.
The Sandpit turns New York City into something you can hold in your hands or put in your pocket. The making of is worth a read. The need to watch Baraka is strong now, along with the realization that we are small and meaningless in the bigger scheme of things. This makes me smile.
Spring Ahead: bah humbug
Just a thought.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I want to go.
As I sit here hunched over in pain the brain decides to wander. As is its way when the pain has a come. Current dream is about learning to surf at Davidson's Point in Kauai. The day would begin with a good surfing lesson. Then some breakfast of fresh fruit and other delectables of local cuisine at the B&B. Maybe a little rest on the beach to decide what to do that day. Such as hiking the lush mountains of Koke'e, or perhaps a boat tour to experience the breathtaking Na Pali coast. Better yet why not wonder around visiting people and learning the ways of the Hawaiian.
Lets go . . . .now!!!!!!
Lets go . . . .now!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
What is the etiquette of sex toys? Many of us say once the relationship is over so is the use of the toys with a new partner. Though my new obsession with Cathouse gives a different opinion. Professional prostitutes, whores, call girls. They use the same toys on all their Johns. So maybe it has to do with the rest of us. Does it have something to do with the fact I so not want the same sex toy used on me as it was used on someones ex. When using it on me will my sex deviant partner(s) get a flash back of using it with their ex, ewwww.
So the toys of pleasure get tossed and new ones are purchased. But what if those new ones look just like the old ones that were just tossed. hmmm. Would they not possibly still bring on some old memories. Because really how many types of butt plugs are out there.
Just a thought.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Mark Newman's work always puts a smile on my face. His detail and style are beautiful and realistic. To capture movement and form in a clump of clay, bronze or risen takes mad skills. Think I need to go practice.
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